Creation From Destruction
The ongoing erosion and scarring of storms, has slowly shaped and worn upon this vast coastal wilderness. A relatable process that can initially seem destructive on the surface, but in time, gives way to a marvellous new creation.
Fiordland Coast, South Island New Zealand (2022)

Water And Light
The surface of the sea, adorned in a golden flood of light.
Gemstone Beach, South Island New Zealand (2022)

Water, mountains and a flood of glorious light across a land once born from adversity.
Jackson Bay, South Island New Zealand (2022)

Fiordland is defined by water and light, with its grand beauty on full display here, as the evening sun separates a multitude of valleys and paints the surface of the sea.
Breaksea Sound, Fiordland South Island New Zealand (2022)

As the sun made it’s awaited descent, I sat and beheld the colours spread and transform in both water and sky. A mere bystander in a seemingly timeless scene of beauty and peace.
Motukiekie, West Coast New Zealand (2022)

Shore Of The Ancients
Along a stretch of desolate and remote coastline, this perfect family of resilient towers arise on the the shore. There’s been several attempts but three years on after my friend Marc Adamus and I first discovered this location, I was finally able to capture something here that provides a glimpse of the majesty of this lost coast.
Fiordland, New Zealand (2021)

Until The Very End
Ancient ruins located in one of the NZ’s most remote areas. Battered and scarred by regular storms and raging seas, these towers refuse to fall.
Fiordland, New Zealand (2021)

Guardian Of The Tides
A personal favourite, an expression of my relationship with both the mountains and sea. Here, the waves of the Tasman Sea crash beneath the towering Southern Alps, with Mount Tasman and Cook overlooking the shore. This image began as an idea and vision that finally materialised, after many months and multiple attempts.
Mt Cook and Tasman, West Coast New Zealand

To me, the great beauty of the Southern Alps is their close proximity to the sea, where the highest peaks rise to a towering 12,000ft above the surface of the water. Finding and accessing locations that reveal this relationship is not simple, but some of these views are the greatest in the country.
Mt Tasman, West Coast New Zealand

The unique landscape of Iceland, viewed from high above a river delta, along the South Coast.
South Coast, Iceland

When we emerge from one wave, only to be greeted by an onslaught of more. Life presents us with our own individual storms to endure and lately my mind has been with those who are born into adversity and challenging circumstances beyond their control. There’s not always an answer for the suffering and pain in the world but I do put my hope in a greater good that will prevail. This represents a sole survivor that was able to overcome.
Southland, New Zealand

There’s no name other images of this sea stack, so I’m calling it Aardvark Rock. It’s hard to gauge the scale here with the wide angle lens but this rock stands at least 20 metres tall, in fact I climbed up and easily stood inside the arch on the bottom right. Battered and scarred by the relentless seas off the coast of New Zealand, I can’t imagine what this remnant has witnessed and endured over the years.
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Through the storm
A stretch of remote coast that myself and a friend have visited several times, exploring the numerous remnants that rise from these jagged shores. On this morning we headed directly into a deep storm that created some incredible light and also had as seeking emergency shelter within a nearby, cave if we were to be stranded. We were able to make it out but I wouldn’t have minded either way.
New Zealand
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Lost and found
Exploring new and remote locations is just as rewarding and exciting to me as the art of creating photos. When I am able to look at something for the first time, without any pre-conceived ideas, inspiration flows and the creative process is undisturbed. This was the case when I spent some time along this isolated coast with mates, seeking out photographic opportunities amongst miles of caves, arches and jagged sea stacks. It’s hard not to feel alive in these moments, knowing that where we stood, very few have.
Fiordland, New Zealand
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

Forgotten Ones
This remote stretch of coast is a fusion of the best seascape locations I’ve ever explored, where lush forests descend to greet a vast expanse of caves, jagged stacks and spires along endless shores. The hand of man is far removed from these parts, with a timeless presence felt when amidst these ancient giants. Upon our final visit here in an attempt to capture some atmosphere and light, a storm had cleared and the sinking sun bid us farewell in the most glorious of ways. I shared this moment with my friend Marc Adamus – someone I have a lot of respect for. You can view his version here.
Fiordland, New Zealand
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.