Often when I’m out in nature, something will catch my eye and I’ll attempt to capture it with my camera. Most of the time this is a relatively straight forward process but every so often it can be incredibly difficult, as it was on this particular day The difficulty here came from the forceful spray and mist rushing out from this waterfall in Banff’s Johnston Canyon. I’ve visited here several times over the years but never experienced such flow as I did on this trip, the result of a prolonged winter and fresh snowmelt making it’s way down to the Bow River. During summer, the light beams here are quite common late in the morning but the splashing of the waves were what I really wanted to shoot, something that required being as close as possible to the falls. And so the battle began. With each attempt tt was only possible to fire one frame max before having my entire camera body and lens drenched in water, meaning that using a tripod wasn’t an option, particularly on this low angle. With the sunlight disappearing behind clouds intermittently, it became a bit of a game of cat and mouse and a battle of wills. With this exact shot in mind, I was rather determined and admittedly quite stubborn to see this vision come to life. Finally, after at least 45 minutes of running in and out of the water, continuously cleaning my lens, blurring the majority of shots due to being handheld and of course, waiting for that magical light, I was more than relieved to see this shot come to life. I really enjoy being challenged with my work and this would have to be one of the most enjoyable experiences behind the lens that I’ve had in a long time.
Johnston Canyon, Banff Canada
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