Gates Of The Eternal
Primeval walls of strength and might, beside the edge of the raging sea.
Bombo Quarry, New South Wales, Australia (2022)

A kingdom of towering seaside pillars, where the force of the sea slowly sculpts the ancient walls of light.
Bombo Quarry, New South Wales, Australia (2022)

The most memorable thing about Bombo is the violent yet beautiful relation between ocean and earth. It’s taken me quite a few years to try and convey this through an image, with this here being my most recent attempt. I’m currently enjoying some down time at home with family which is much needed after a very busy start to the year running workshops all over the place. When home, it doesn’t mean I put down my camera, I’m always watching the sky for any special light, as was the case here. I had the pleasure of sharing this moment with my 2.5yr old son, Judah who was a much safer distance from the water than I.
Bombo, NSW Australia (2016)
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

Shrouded Gods
This was our third trip to the national park and very reminiscent of our previous treks with scorching summer heat, scratched up legs and some of Australia’s finest mountain and wilderness views. Summiting the Castle and Mt Nibelung on our last visits, we headed further north this time and ascended the ‘Shrouded God’s’ mountain. After a failed attempt on day 1 we ended up admitting defeat and sleeping inside a cave just a few mere vertical metres below the summit. With the protective shade from the cave, we both managed the one of the biggest sleeps we’ve had in years, waking refreshed and determined to make it to the top. We eventually made it up and were welcomed by much grander views than below. The thick scrub still made it difficult to traverse as far east as I would’ve liked so we made it as far as we could and set up camp tucked away in a cosy corner of scrub.The weather fluctuated quite a bit through the next 24 hours and by sunset things moved very fast. Within an hour the sky went from 100% clear to visibility being reduced to just a few feet in front of us. Fortunately it was quite atmospheric and I managed to capture one image I liked just as the last light of day ignited the western face of the iconic Castle.
Budawangs, NSW Australia
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

End Of Days
A night that I will cherish for the rest of my life, an intimate encounter with the relentless and humbling forces of nature. You can read all about it here.
Cathedral Rocks, Kiama Australia
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

Meridian II
Almost 4 years ago I captured an image from within this cave, one that has always been a personal favourite. A Representation of moving from confined darkness out into the freedom of light. I’ll always be grateful for the gift of photography and the way it has helped me see the world through new eyes, stepping out of my former self. I frequent this area more than any other, mainly for workshops now but I’d always had this high tide vision in mind. As a new chapter begins in life, new priorities both personal and photography related, I figured now was as good a time as ever to be at one with the sea yet again.
Cathedral Rocks, Kiama Australia
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

Hand Of Mercy
Sunrise illuminates the dark depths of a sea cave off the coast of NSW, Australia.
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

No matter what I’m going through, the ocean always seems to bring my mind rest.
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

A beautifully chaotic moment, off the coast of NSW whilst on a road trip with my wife and son. After a big year of travel it was nice to visit locations closer to home and still be inspired by what nature had to offer. I watched this storm roll in at sunset and then it moved out to sea, continuing to illuminate the sky throughout the night.
Crescent head, NSW Australia
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

Until the end
Standing here before the raging sea, surrounded by the ancient, scarred basalt is nothing short of humbling. I find an indescribable sense of hope in these resilient places, despite our failures, nature finds a way. Until the end.
Bomb Quarry, NSW Australia
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

Grand Design
Lost for words under a sea of stars just as the full moon first breaches the horizon.
Bombo Quarry, Australia.
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

Laurel Hill
Ebony Tippet feeling small in a cathedral of pine.
Laurel Hill, NSW Australia
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

New Beginnings
My body is battered by the sea and my skin is swept by the wind. I am shaped by the sands of time but with my head towards the sun, I live to face another day. WP
Bermagui, south coast NSW, Australia
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.