One of the grandest landscapes in New Zealand, with Aoraki/Mt Cook and the glacial Tasman river braids flowing to Lake Pukaki. I’ve been in the air here many times but on this particular day, the light, colours and calm waters created something very special to behold.
Lake Pukaki Aoraki/Mt Cook (2024)

Scattered light across painterly river braids.
Lake Pukaki, New Zealand (2023)

Ice Waters
Icy blue waters making their journey from mountains, rivers, lakes and sea.
Mackenzie High Country, New Zealand (2023)

Blue Flame
Winding braids of fresh snowmelt. A journey from the highest summits, down through winding rivers, lakes and eventually the sea.
Lake Pukaki, New Zealand (2022)

Water Palette
Water flowing from the frozen summits of mountains, greeting the lakes edge before winding its way down to the sea.
Dart River, Glenorchy New Zealand (2022)

Water flowing from the frozen summits of mountains, greeting the lakes edge before winding its way down to the sea.
Dart River, Glenorchy New Zealand (2022)

The flow of glacial melt, intersecting the land.
Mackenzie Region, New Zealand

River Of Gold
Water and light, chased by the inevitable shadows of a looming dusk.
Mackenzie Region, New Zealand