Times Of Old
Wind obliterating a wave, right in the fleeting moments of a sunset. There’s a strangely familiar feeling I experience when viewing this one, like a window back to a former moment in time.
South Coast NSW, Australia

Ocean Valley
The ocean as its uplifted from the deep depths, moments before forming a towering wave. This frame reminded me of a mountainous valley.
South Coast NSW, Australia

Wrath Of The Sea
I’m drawn to subjects and weather that I both fear and revere. A storm surge uplifting the ocean is one such environment.
South Coast NSW, Australia

Mountain Sea
My latest ocean imagery has been inspired by the Russian painter Ivan Aivazovsky who was incredibly skilled at portraying the reflected light and movement of the sea. This photo is more subdued than my others but I liked the layering and textures here which also reminded me of an aerial perspective of the New Zealand landscape.
South Coast NSW, Australia

Fallen And Redeemed
I’ve been leaving my phone behind lately, as well as my camera. When I’m able to intimately connect with nature, I better understand myself and my role as a husband, father, friend and son. We live in a society that uses business to hide emptiness. Don’t be afraid to do less and allow yourself to tend to unhealed wounds. That’s what this photo represents, the healing process that leads to completion.
Coalcliff, NSW Australia

Within The Storm
This was an eerie afternoon as a storm rapidly approached and completely changed the landscape within minutes. I remember watching the light on the sea and sand change tone as the moisture laden cloud closed in, bringing with it some ferocious wind gusts. This was a real battle to stay upright but I really wanted to capture the swell that was thundering in, with the lip of the waves often being torn apart by the wind. A complete drenching from head to toe, heart racing, ears stinging from the pelting rain yet somehow there was an astounding peace and beauty within this storm. Great fun!
Lofoten Norway

The Forsaken
This family of colossal remains is simply phenomenal, rising tall on an isolated cove in the far reaches of New Zealand. I had the pleasure of exploring these areas with Marc Adamus on some scouting trips, with both of us declaring these coastlines to just about be the very best in the world for seascape photography. No doubt there will be more to come from here.
Fiordland New Zealand

The Tree Tower, refusing to sink, refusing to fall.
Bermagui NSW Australia

Tree Tower
An incredible sea stack I was pleasantly surprised to discover one afternoon, when scouting the coastline in-between seascape workshops. This one represents strength and hope, against the odds.
Bermagui, NSW Australia 2017

There’s no name other images of this sea stack, so I’m calling it Aardvark Rock. It’s hard to gauge the scale here with the wide angle lens but this rock stands at least 20 metres tall, in fact I climbed up and easily stood inside the arch on the bottom right. Battered and scarred by the relentless seas off the coast of New Zealand, I can’t imagine what this remnant has witnessed and endured over the years.
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Through the storm
A stretch of remote coast that myself and a friend have visited several times, exploring the numerous remnants that rise from these jagged shores. On this morning we headed directly into a deep storm that created some incredible light and also had as seeking emergency shelter within a nearby, cave if we were to be stranded. We were able to make it out but I wouldn’t have minded either way.
New Zealand
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

Lost and found
Exploring new and remote locations is just as rewarding and exciting to me as the art of creating photos. When I am able to look at something for the first time, without any pre-conceived ideas, inspiration flows and the creative process is undisturbed. This was the case when I spent some time along this isolated coast with mates, seeking out photographic opportunities amongst miles of caves, arches and jagged sea stacks. It’s hard not to feel alive in these moments, knowing that where we stood, very few have.
Fiordland, New Zealand
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

Forgotten Ones
This remote stretch of coast is a fusion of the best seascape locations I’ve ever explored, where lush forests descend to greet a vast expanse of caves, jagged stacks and spires along endless shores. The hand of man is far removed from these parts, with a timeless presence felt when amidst these ancient giants. Upon our final visit here in an attempt to capture some atmosphere and light, a storm had cleared and the sinking sun bid us farewell in the most glorious of ways. I shared this moment with my friend Marc Adamus – someone I have a lot of respect for. You can view his version here.
Fiordland, New Zealand
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

The most memorable thing about Bombo is the violent yet beautiful relation between ocean and earth. It’s taken me quite a few years to try and convey this through an image, with this here being my most recent attempt. I’m currently enjoying some down time at home with family which is much needed after a very busy start to the year running workshops all over the place. When home, it doesn’t mean I put down my camera, I’m always watching the sky for any special light, as was the case here. I had the pleasure of sharing this moment with my 2.5yr old son, Judah who was a much safer distance from the water than I.
Bombo, NSW Australia (2016)
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

Driving straight into the storm, the familiar feeling of comfortable discomfort made me smile. Relentless rain and the gusty southerly eventually gave way to an eerie calm. The horizon was set ablaze in sequential bursts of light as we sat us mere witnesses, humbled by the reality of being here in the now.
Bombo Quarry, NSW Australia
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

End Of Days
A night that I will cherish for the rest of my life, an intimate encounter with the relentless and humbling forces of nature. You can read all about it here.
Cathedral Rocks, Kiama Australia
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

Meridian II
Almost 4 years ago I captured an image from within this cave, one that has always been a personal favourite. A Representation of moving from confined darkness out into the freedom of light. I’ll always be grateful for the gift of photography and the way it has helped me see the world through new eyes, stepping out of my former self. I frequent this area more than any other, mainly for workshops now but I’d always had this high tide vision in mind. As a new chapter begins in life, new priorities both personal and photography related, I figured now was as good a time as ever to be at one with the sea yet again.
Cathedral Rocks, Kiama Australia
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

Hand Of Mercy
Sunrise illuminates the dark depths of a sea cave off the coast of NSW, Australia.
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

No matter what I’m going through, the ocean always seems to bring my mind rest.
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

A beautifully chaotic moment, off the coast of NSW whilst on a road trip with my wife and son. After a big year of travel it was nice to visit locations closer to home and still be inspired by what nature had to offer. I watched this storm roll in at sunset and then it moved out to sea, continuing to illuminate the sky throughout the night.
Crescent head, NSW Australia
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

In your light I find purpose, I find meaning. You lead and I will follow. WP
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.