Here And Now
Watching the sky throughout the day, it was evident that something special was going to eventuate. As a family, we made our way to the coast and patiently waited. By 10pm, the fire slowly glorified the sky and all that I treasure was right here in this moment.
Southland Region, South Island New Zealand (2022)

Consuming Fire
A simple scene of sand, sea and sky, reminiscent of my early photography days. The late summer sunset painted the sky, as the water danced and reflected the glorious light.
Southland Region, South Island New Zealand (2022)

Letting go
The subtle retreat and refraction of light.
Bruce Bay, South Island New Zealand (2022)

Water And Light
The surface of the sea, adorned in a golden flood of light.
Gemstone Beach, South Island New Zealand (2022)

When we emerge from one wave, only to be greeted by an onslaught of more. Life presents us with our own individual storms to endure and lately my mind has been with those who are born into adversity and challenging circumstances beyond their control. There’s not always an answer for the suffering and pain in the world but I do put my hope in a greater good that will prevail. This represents a sole survivor that was able to overcome.
Southland, New Zealand