Here in This Moment
A scene that speaks to me more than all else. This is my paradise.
Breaksea Sound, Fiordland (2024)

The grand awakening and warm embrace of dawn.
Fiordland, New Zealand (2024)

Breaking Through
A scene that reminds me of my early years capturing seascapes in Australia however the waves here in a glacial lake, generated by powerful winds beneath a spectacular sunrise.
Lake Ohau, New Zealand (2024)

A Grand Awakening
Early one summers morning, I peered through my tent and was immediately awakened by the sight of this glorious sky. A short walk along the rivers edge, I was led to this meadow of spectacular beauty. You can see the whole video and process over on my Youtube channel.
Fiordland, New Zealand (2024)

Behold The Glory
Watching the light paint the sky, during a magnificent summer sunrise.
Twizel, New Zealand (2023)

Born Again
The rejoicing of a new dawn, over ancient ice and the granite walls it once carved. A splendour of creation.
Fiordland, New Zealand (2023)

Glow Of The Dawn
There's not much that compares to being greeted by a red glow on the horizon, as you peer out of your tent in the early hours of the morning. As the water boils for your coffee, the light slowly spreads and ignites the entire sky. A wilderness show like no other.
Joes Valley, Fiordland, New Zealand (2021)

A classic NZ scene on the West Coast, with Mount Tasman and Cook above morning mist set alight by the warm glow of the summers sun.
Lake Matheson, New Zealand (2021)

A blood red sky, richly illuminated when the alarm went off over an hour before sunrise. The show slowly continued to unfold into a spectacle of vibrant colour, calm and light.
Ohau, New Zealand

An aerial perspective of the West Coast of New Zealand, looking down upon a light streaked river winding its way from the mountains to the sea.

Queenstown is well positioned for spectacular sunrises, with cloud often forming over the nearby mountains but clear skies present far out east. This recipe can make for some incredible dawns and I have witnessed this type of light in Queenstown a number of times. This one really went to another level though, with everything in the sky, water and land stained in rich crimson.

Meridian II
Almost 4 years ago I captured an image from within this cave, one that has always been a personal favourite. A Representation of moving from confined darkness out into the freedom of light. I’ll always be grateful for the gift of photography and the way it has helped me see the world through new eyes, stepping out of my former self. I frequent this area more than any other, mainly for workshops now but I’d always had this high tide vision in mind. As a new chapter begins in life, new priorities both personal and photography related, I figured now was as good a time as ever to be at one with the sea yet again.
Cathedral Rocks, Kiama Australia
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

Hand Of Mercy
Sunrise illuminates the dark depths of a sea cave off the coast of NSW, Australia.
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

A beautiful, cherished moment in the wilderness of Fiordland back in 2016.

Morning light breaks over the frosted landscape at Selfoss, Iceland. The final 10 feet of reaching this composition were very interesting to say the least.
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

An image from my first visit to the incredible landscape of Iceland, shared with my good friend Cameron in 2015. After being on the road in Iceland for a mere hour, I had virtually lost count of the waterfalls I had seen. This is Bruarfoss, a fall that I was quite keen to visit. Arriving at sunrise I was a little overwhelmed at the composition options here as well as the force of the rushing water that seemed to flow in every direction. Once the sun finally breached the horizon I couldn’t resist accessing the upper falls and trying to capture the beautiful morning light that brought these waters to life. In typical Icelandic fashion, it began to snow quite heavily ten minutes after shooting this. It was Cam’s first time in the snow, just him and I laughing away at how spectacular it was to be here. The laughter soon subsided as we literally ran as fast as we could back to the safety of the car.
Bruarfoss, Iceland 2015

New Beginnings
My body is battered by the sea and my skin is swept by the wind. I am shaped by the sands of time but with my head towards the sun, I live to face another day. WP
Bermagui, south coast NSW, Australia
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

A temporary sea sculpture gracing me with its presence for a mere 1/1000 of a second. Despite it’s short life, I found myself impacted for much longer. Even the briefest encounters, shortest of words, faintest of smiles can go a long way.
South Coast, NSW Australia (2013)

The fusion of light and sea. A handheld image purposely blurred by panning the camera during the exposure.
Wollongong, NSW Australia.
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

The Comforter
Sunrise inside an isolated cave off the coast of NSW Australia. This remains one of the more memorable and powerful moments I have shared with the sea.
Sydney, NSW Australia
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.

In your light I find purpose, I find meaning. You lead and I will follow. WP
*Free shipping on all prints, select your size below. Canvas and frames are also available. Please feel free to contact me for details.