Until The Very End
Ancient ruins located in one of the NZ’s most remote areas. Battered and scarred by regular storms and raging seas, these towers refuse to fall.
Fiordland, New Zealand (2021)

Winters Embrace
A handful of times each year, we receive a greeting of snow down to the lake level at 200m. I much prefer the mountains when they’re clothed in white. On this morning, the cloud began to part in fleeting intervals, allowing for sunlight to briefly kiss the cold landscape.
Te Anau New Zealand (2021)

My Home
The epitome of home, with the misty Murchison mountains caught in morning light and the glow of a rainbow which so often greets us in the morning.
Te Anau New Zealand (2021)

Valley Of The Waters
A land shaped by water, in all its forms. I’ve had many moments like this with no other souls in sight aside from my mountain friends, the Kea. Surrounded by walls of roaring waterfalls and the rhythmic tapping of rain upon the wet granite. I find a great comfort here in the valleys, amidst the elements.
Fiordland, New Zealand (2021)

Rising above all else, at the edge of Fiordland is the mighty Mt Tutoko. The remnants of an ancient glacier system resides on this mountain pass, with deep crevasses and icy slopes which plunge thousands of feet to the valley below.
Mount Tutoko, New Zealand (2021)

End Of Darkness
The full moon setting at the break of dawn, overlooking Doubtful Sound. A telephoto perspective shot from a plane, after 12 months of waiting for wind, rain, sun, moon and cloud to all align in this one moment. In my life I have truly witnessed the upmost grandeur of creation and for this I’m highly thankful and indebted to pursue these sights and capture such places with all that I am. Thank you for viewing.
Doubtful Sound, Fiordland New Zealand (2021)

Sunlight and sea flood the rugged valleys of Fiordland, where millions moss covered trees cling together and climb the steep mountain walls. How grateful I am to witness such wondrous windows in time.
Breaksea Sound, Fiordland New Zealand (2021)

A wild land that lays hidden from the eyes of men, carved and sculpted by the forces of wind, water and ice.
Northern Fiordland, New Zealand (2021)

Way Of The Eternal
This scene is ingrained in my memory, as morning light broke through the darkness of night, high above the summits of giants.
Norwest Lakes, New Zealand (2021)

Milford Majesty
An iconic view that seems to transcend time, the Milford fiord rivals the greatest scenery on earth with its symmetry and towering peaks that rise dramatically from the depths of the sea. Living local and having a strong bond with this icon, I felt overdue to create something new here, but waiting for the right cloud was essential. After a few weeks of closely monitoring the conditions, this was the sunset I was waiting for.
Milford Sound, Fiordland, New Zealand

As you begin to allow yourself time in nature, you’ll start seeing the world differently and every so often, you’ll come face to face with a sight that will leave a lasting impression, stirring something within. Here is a personal favourite of mine, something of a dream scene that materialised for a few brief minutes and truly is the epitome of what I love and enjoy about the mountains. Single exposure, 400mm perspective.
Fiordland, New Zealand

All Consuming
A favourite mountain of mine, which I’ve shared many moments with. On this winters morning, everything all came together in a wondrous symphony.
Fiordland, New Zealand

Winters silent veil covering the ancient ones of the fiords.
Fiordland, New Zealand

The Gateway
A morning of endless inspiration, as the elements entangled in a grand symphony.
Fiordland, New Zealand

Alone one morning, I was graced with this ephemeral view. A humble bystander as a rare fogbow came to life in the light of a new winters day.
Fiordland, New Zealand

A brief window in time, where mountains rise from a sea of cloud, into in the final rays of the sinking sun.
Fiordland, New Zealand

A day where light, snow and shadow all danced across the landscape, adorning it in white.
Fiordland, New Zealand

An inspiring location that emerged from the forest so perfectly, eventually consumed by the storm of the century.
Fiordland, New Zealand

The simplistic beauty of winter, decorating a typical Fiordland scene of mountains, forest and light.
Fiordland, New Zealand

A fun camping trip that turned into a race against the clock, as fog began to obscure our view. After an ‘interesting’ bash through some unforgiving terrain, my friend Federico and I made it to this stream with 5 minutes to spare. Making our way back to camp in the dark fog was another mission in itself, making our fire and warm sleeping bags that much sweeter.
Sabre Peak, Fiordland, New Zealand

Eye Of The Sun
There is often some form of cloud off the west coast of New Zealand, and this is the first and only time I’ve captured a clear sight of the sun, as it began to sink into the Tasman Sea. Not an easy task when racing the light to get home, at 6000ft, 150km/h and a magnified perspective at 300mm.
Fiordland, New Zealand

The simplified purity that winter brings to the landscape, as lakes freeze over and the surrounding landscape is turned to white. There’s a certain smell in the air within the beech forests of Fiordland, particularly in winter when branches are frost covered in the crips air. On this morning, temperatures were -10 celsius and hoar frost decorated the shadow filled valleys. The warm, morning coffee was much appreciated after this sunrise shoot.
Lake Mackenzie, Fiordland, New Zealand

Triumph Through Sorrow
The far southwest of New Zealand, where storms are born and darkness looms. On occasion, light finds a way to break through, bringing to life all that was seemingly dead. In the end, the light will come to shine upon us all.
Long Sound, Fiordland, New Zealand

Heart Of The Mountains
There’s an innumerable amount of hanging valleys, tarns, waterfalls and glacial lakes in Fiordland, gazed upon by the eyes of very few. We shared this dawn with a chamois, scrambling the rock walls precariously above the valley below.
Mount Madeleine, Fiordland, New Zealand

The Fiordland forests are my sanctuary of solace. Regardless of the weather, these places offer a veil of peace and provide unlimited photographic opportunities. This was a planned shoot, after finding this tree a week prior. I wanted to return with some afternoon light, with this image being the result.
Fiordland, New Zealand

Afternoon sun pours through a dense, moss-laden forest of Fiordland.
Te Anau, New Zealand

Call Of The Wild
A fleeting moment shared with a good mate, as we beheld one of the most remote, storm trodden regions of New Zealand.
Crooked Arm, Fiordland, New Zealand

Valley Of Secrets
There’s areas of Fiordland which have rarely felt the press of human feet, nor been gazed upon in wonder. This is one such place.
Fiordland, New Zealand

50 Shades Of Green
Lush green forests with running water, a scene that has drawn me in since I was a child. My passion is for creating dramatic imagery but I must say that places like this would have to be one of my favourites to explore. The minutes can easily roll into hours when gently making your way through the depths of these hidden places.
Fiordland, New Zealand