A late season snow storm absolutely transformed the entire landscape, high up in the mountains. The snow was like porcelain and light soft and gentle as it painted the snow laden clouds. You can see the whole adventure on my Youtube channel here.
Fiordland New Zealand (2023)

From Above
The imposing beauty of a landscape born of storms.
Milford Sound, Fiordland New Zealand (2023)

Troll Forest
A beautiful family of trees, stunted and contorted due to the high exposure to the elements up on the mountain top. I spent the night camping in the area, awakening to this beautiful gently light filtering through the landscape. View the Youtube video here.
Fiordland, New Zealand (2023)

A scene of unrivalled beauty, early one morning as the light painted the summits and sky.
Southern Alps, New Zealand (2023)

Snow Ghost
Within a snow storm, as it blasted and clothed the entire forest in a veil of white.
Fiordland, New Zealand (2023)

Drawn In
A calming silence and the sparkling warmth of the mornings light, as it filtered through these ancient creatures on top of the mountains.
Fiordland, New Zealand (2023)

Mountain Majesty
A cherished moment of upmost beauty, shared with my son on top of the mountains, after a peaceful night sleeping beneath the stars. Youtube video here.
Fiordland, New Zealand (2023)

Frozen trees revitalised in the soft warmth of morning light.
Fiordland, New Zealand (2023)

Light Catchers
The glow of morning light through the trees, from the unsheltered heights of the Fiordland mountains.
Fiordland, New Zealand (2023)

A wise old tree, enduring the falling snow in the heart of winter.
Fiordland, New Zealand (2023)

First Love
When I first started out, one of the first things I wanted to capture with my camera was a waterfall. Here we are, well over a decade later and innumerable waterfalls and I still can’t get enough. I’ve been drawn to waterfalls and green forests since I was a child. Here’s a beautiful one on the West Coast of the South Island.
South Westland, New Zealand (2023)

One of the most spectacular, untouched areas of New Zealand. A mighty castle rises from the valley floor, towering into the warm evening sky.
Northern Fiordland, South Island New Zealand (2023)

Grand Revealing
I’d spent a few years envisioning this moment, the beauty of this remote fiord as the evening light warmed the landscape. This area holds a special place in my heart.
Southwest Fiordland, South Island New Zealand (2023)

Snow Kea
Here we were, after a fresh fall of snow and the sun began to spread its rays. A rare and intimate moment, with the special creature that calls these mountains home. Please see my Youtube channel on how I captured this moment.
A portion of print sales from any Kea image goes toward the Kea Conservation Trust – helping protect these beautiful, endangered creatures.
Fiordland, South Island New Zealand (2023)

The majestic beauty of the beech forest which aligns the mountainsides. Fresh snow had fallen and the morning light crept over the horizon, making for a pristine scene.
Fiordland, South Island New Zealand (2023)

Fall With Me
A hidden waterfall tucked away beneath the mountains. I’d shared this location with friends when I created this image, as the gorgeous winter light crept into the canyon. Upon returning a month later, I discovered a landslide had caused trees to fall and the whole area is now quite destroyed. Nature gives and takes.
Fiordland, South Island New Zealand (2023)

Riverside early one morning, where water and light play.
South Westland, New Zealand (2023)

Quiet Revealing
The days end, far away in a perplex assortment of valleys, mountains and lakes. This calm scene unfolded briefly for us to behold.
Fiordland, South Island New Zealand (2023)

Kea Valley
A special moment in the valley, with a mother and her child. Wild Kea framed by the mountains they call home. Behind the scenes video can be seen on my Youtube channel.
A portion of print sales from any Kea image goes toward the Kea Conservation Trust – helping protect these beautiful, endangered creatures.
Fiordland, South Island New Zealand (2023)

By The River
Down by the river, where water and light splashed and danced.
Fiordland, South Island New Zealand (2023)

Forest complexities early one morning, after a fall of snow.
Fiordland, South Island New Zealand (2023)

A grand display of beauty, high above the fiord as the sun began to set.
Broughton Arm, Fiordland South Island New Zealand (2023)

Ice Folds
The surface of a frozen lake, shaped by light, wind and the gentle rhythm of the water.
Mackenzie Region, New Zealand (2023)

Finer Details
A small scene of intricate details, beside a beautiful waterfall in one of the most isolated parts of New Zealand.
Southern Fiordland, New Zealand (2023)

The briefest of moments which leave a lasting impact.
South Westland, New Zealand (2023)

A New Start
The first few seconds of light softly shimmering across a winter wonderland. In a grand mountain plain, this small survivor caught my eye as it reached out from the depths.
Southwest, Fiordland New Zealand (2023)

Where The Light Falls
As morning light creeped over the surrounding peaks, the ice and snow felt its warm embrace. The forest danced with golden hues as the trees awakened from their slumber.
Fiordland, South Island New Zealand (2023)

Mysteries Of The Forest
Tucked away far from civilisation, one of many grand valleys with rivers winding their way to the nearby sea. Ancient trees radiate with greens of every shade, as they twist and reach toward any glimpse of light. A special place of untouched beauty.
Southwest, Fiordland New Zealand (2023)

Soft light reflected off nearby trees and mountains, dancing in the swirling waters below.
South Westland, New Zealand (2023)