An image from my first visit to the incredible landscape of Iceland, shared with my good friend Cameron in 2015. After being on the road in Iceland for a mere hour, I had virtually lost count of the waterfalls I had seen. This is Bruarfoss, a fall that I was quite keen to visit. Arriving at sunrise I was a little overwhelmed at the composition options here as well as the force of the rushing water that seemed to flow in every direction. Once the sun finally breached the horizon I couldn’t resist accessing the upper falls and trying to capture the beautiful morning light that brought these waters to life. In typical Icelandic fashion, it began to snow quite heavily ten minutes after shooting this. It was Cam’s first time in the snow, just him and I laughing away at how spectacular it was to be here. The laughter soon subsided as we literally ran as fast as we could back to the safety of the car.
Bruarfoss, Iceland 2015
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